Belly Dance practice
Setup: not required
Setup: not required
Staff set up: TBD
A Burlington Irish Heritage Festival event.
Staff setup: Family Crafts will be in Local History and will also need an additional 2 long tables and 8 more chairs.
Weekly Daisy Girl Scout Meeting
Staff setup: 20 chairs, 2 tables, no AV.
On-boarding new Board members!
Staff setup: 6 chairs, 3 tables, no AV.
Grant Writing for Dance with Toby McNutt.
Staff setup: 25 chairs, 5 tables, no AV.
Free instruction of Falun Dafa meditation exercises
Staff setup: 6 chairs, 1 table, no AV.
Free instruction of Falun Dafa meditation exercises
Staff setup: 6 chairs, 1 table, no AV.
Staff setup: 2 long tables, but no additional chairs needed. The “play kitchen” will need to be moved to the Y hallway; and the “Duplos” can be moved to the opposite end of the Youth area near the Y graphic novels.
A Burlington Irish Heritage Festival event.
Mary Ann Samuels will present a workshop on tin whistles. Whistles will be available for purchase ($15).
Staff setup: 30 chairs, 3 tables, no AV.