CEDO monthly staff meeting
Monthly staff meeting of city organization
Staff set up: 30 chairs, 7 tables, AV - trained Number of tables needed:
Monthly staff meeting of city organization
Staff set up: 30 chairs, 7 tables, AV - trained Number of tables needed:
Monthly staff meeting of city organization
Staff set up: 30 chairs, 7 tables, AV - trained Number of tables needed:
2 people playing banjo together
Staff setup: 2 chairs, 1 table, no AV.
4-5 people getting together to play acoustic tunes (no mics or amplifiers).
Staff setup: 5 chairs, 2 tables, no AV.
CRCF Meeting
Staff setup: 5 chairs, 1 table, no AV.
Presentation about the Extinction Rebellion movement.
Staff setup: 12 chairs, 4 tables, needs AV.
Organizational meeting to establish this group.
Staff setup: 10 chairs, 1
Staff setup: 22 chairs, 4 tables
Staff setup: 8 chairs. 1 table.