YMCA Member Services Meeting
Member Services
Staff setup: 24 chairs, 3 tables, no AV
Member Services
Staff setup: 24 chairs, 3 tables, no AV
Art Journaling is for everyone!
Join Billie Miles, art journaling enthusiast, to explore some of the many faces and forms of art journaling. Bring yourself, your curiosity, and a desire to play. Billie will supply the rest.
Staff set up: One table, ten chairs
Art Journaling is for everyone!
Join Billie Miles, art journaling enthusiast, to explore some of the many faces and forms of art journaling. Bring yourself, your curiosity, and a desire to play. Billie will supply the rest.
Staff set up: One table, ten chairs
Art Journaling is for everyone!
Join Billie Miles, art journaling enthusiast, to explore some of the many faces and forms of art journaling. Bring yourself, your curiosity, and a desire to play. Billie will supply the rest.
Staff set up: One table, ten chairs
Staff setup: 8 chairs. 1 table.
The pre-departure orientation is for Vermont high school students who will be participating in AFS exchange programs.
Staff Setup: 30 Chairs, 6 Tables. AV needed - not trained
Meeting of providers for data-driven action planning.
Staff setup: 30 chairs, 3 tables, AV needed.
People getting together to play acoustic tunes (no mics or amplifiers)