Climate Creative is a professional learning program of Shelburne Farms working in collaboration with educators and partners from UVM, TW Wood Gallery, BluSeed Studios, The Wild Center, and BCA. Educators from a variety of disciplines joined together in a year-long program learning about climate change and how to integrate arts-based education; from the visual arts to the written word. Climate change is something we all face and must address. Educators are tasked with integrating climate education into their curriculum; but it can't only be the science teachers' job to teach about climate. Come see student work from schools around the state and learn about what students are doing to communicate about the climate and climate change in their own communities. Their teachers have participated in Shelburne Farms' Climate Creative Professional Learning Program.
Students work from the following schools:
Integrated Arts Academy
UVM Colllege of Education
Camels Hump Middle School
Shelburne Community School
Waitsfield and Fayston Elementary Schools
Browns River Middle School
Main Street Middle School
Summit Street School