The Main Library & NNE Branch will be closed on Monday, February 17 for Presidents' Day & February 27 for Staff Training. 

Intermediate Microsoft Excel


Learn formula entry, on screen and printed page formatting, freeze pane, and charts. Prerequisite: Introduction to Excel or spreadsheet familiarity.

Prepare for this workshop by viewing and/or downloading the handout.

View/print the workshop schedule on the Computer Workshops page.

3D Printing Workshop: The sky's the limit!


3D Printing: The sky's the limit!

Get ideas for creative things you can do with 3D printing at the library! We'll show you some tricks, and provide some great 3D printing tools. This class will meet over zoom. Sign up below to register. 

Find out more about 3D printing at the library here.

All attendants will get 1 free 3D print of 2 hours or less

3D Printing Workshop: Getting Started


3D Printing: Getting Started

Learn the basics of 3D printing with the Library's 3D printer. We'll show what the printer can do, and provide some great 3D printing tools. This class will meet over zoom. Sign up below to register. 

Find out more about 3D printing at the library here.

All attendants will get 1 free 3D print of 2 hours or less


Teen Advisory Board


Teen Advisory Board

The Teen Advisory Board is designed to be a space to give you a voice and provide a platform for ideas and discussion, as well as to give the opportunity to volunteer in more hands-on ways. This month, vote on programs and a display idea for winter.


National Book Festival from Library of Congress

Event Date

FFL will be streaming this year's National Book Festival from the Library of Congress.  The schedule is not available yet, but check back soon for updates.

The Library of Congress National Book Festival is an annual literary event that brings together best-selling authors, poets and illustrators with thousands of readers for book talks, panel discussions, book signings and other engaging activities. Over the course of its 20-year history, the Festival has become one of the most prominent literary events in the nation.