ON HIATUS: Monday Mornings: Weekly Community Discussions on Current Events (formerly State of the World)

Event Date

In an age of instant news reporting from every corner of our world, sometimes the sheer volume of information can feel overwhelming. This current events discussion group will attempt to quiet the noise and step back to reflect on what the news means, what is its context, and what the ramifications are. We will look at, reflect on, and analyze daily events and try to discern trends and understand the national picture and the larger world basing the discussion on factual information in a non-judgmental framework. Led by Sandy Baird, this discussion group is free and open to all.

ON HIATUS: French Conversation - "Dimanches"

Event Date

Parlez-vous francais?  Meet others in the community who do too.  Join the group and practice foreign language conversation.  Fluency is not required (nor is attendance at every meeting).  For details contact Steve Norman at 

CANCELLED for tonight - Beginner Spanish

Event Date

¿Te gustaría aprender a hablar español? 

This introductory Spanish class will cover the basics - the alphabet, greetings, some grammar, adjectives and vocabulary. Language sticks best with games, songs, repetition and movement, so the class will incorporate such activities whenever possible. At least one class will involve making and sharing food from Spain, Central or South America.


A little about the instructor -