The Main Library & NNE Branch will be closed on Monday, January 20 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day

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        <p>Join other readers at this virtual discussion - <strong>&nbsp;on Zoom </strong>of&nbsp;Kiese Laymon's&nbsp;<em>Heavy</em></p>\r\n
        <p>Contact: Barbara Shatara at&nbsp; to register and to obtain&nbsp;Zoom info.</p>\r\n
        <p><strong>About This Month's Book, Kiese Laymon's&nbsp;<em>Heavy</em>:</strong></p>\r\n
        <p>In <em>Heavy</em>, Laymon writes eloquently and honestly about growing up a hard-headed black son to a complicated and brilliant black mother in Jackson, Mississippi. From his early experiences of sexual violence, to his suspension from college, to his trek to New York as a young college professor, Laymon charts his complex relationship with his mother, grandmother, anorexia, obesity, sex, writing, and ultimately gambling. By attempting to name secrets and lies he and his mother spent a lifetime avoiding, Laymon asks himself, his mother, his nation, and us to confront the terrifying possibility that few in this nation actually know how to responsibly love, and even fewer want to live under the weight of actually becoming free.<br />\r\n
        <br />\r\n
        A personal narrative that illuminates national failures, <em>Heavy</em> is defiant yet vulnerable, an insightful, often comical exploration of weight, identity, art, friendship, and family that begins with a confusing childhood—and continues through twenty-five years of haunting implosions and long reverberations.</p>\r\n
        <p><span style="color:black"><span style="color:#5d849d">Limited copies of the book are available for checkout at the Main Desk. <a href=";lookfor=heavy&amp;searchIndex=Keyword&amp;searchSource=local">Reserve one here.</a></span></span></p>\r\n
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