The Main Library & NNE Branch will be closed on Monday, January 20 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day

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        <p>Join Second Star to celebrate the launch of JABARI TRIES with author, Gaia Cornwall!<br />\r\n
        <br />\r\n
        RSVP required: <a href=""></a><br />\r\n
        <br />\r\n
        ABOUT THE BOOK<br />\r\n
        <br />\r\n
        Jabari is inventing a machine that will fly all the way across the yard! But making it go from CRASH to WHOOSH will take grit, patience, and maybe even a little help from his sister.<br />\r\n
        <br />\r\n
        Jabari is making a flying machine in his backyard! "It'll be easy. I don't need any help," he declares. But it doesn't work! Jabari is frustrated. Good thing Dad is there for a pep talk and his little sister, Nika, is there to assist, fairy wings and all. With the endearing father-child dynamic of Jabari Jumps and engaging mixed-media illustrations, Gaia Cornwall's tale shows that through perseverance and flexibility, an inventive thought can become a brilliant reality.<br />\r\n
        <br />\r\n
        ABOUT THE AUTHOR<br />\r\n
        <br />\r\n
        Gaia Cornwall is the author-illustrator of Jabari Jumps. She loves making patterns for surface design, and her work can be seen in magazines, in logos, on various products, and in movies. She lives in Providence, Rhode Island.</p>\r\n
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