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<p>Learn to draw dragons and other fantasy art with Science Fiction and Fantasy artist, James Beihl. Develop a love and appreciation for fantasy art, and the process of imaginative picture making. James Beihl will demonstrate how to paint a dragon and walk students through the process of how to create a sketch for their own fantasy scene. </p>\r\n
<p>The workshop will begin by going through media and best practices for mixing colors and organizing ones workspace. Then learn how to start a scene by laying in a basic underdrawing of a dragon. Students will then have the option of attempting to do their own lay ins by referring to the methods - such as the Andrew Loomis method - of drawing touched on in the workshop. Students will gain a basic understanding of what makes up picture making fundamentals - Shape Language, Structure, Perspective and Scenic Composition,. The purpose is to have fun creating an imaginary subject while learning what goes into the process of narrative illustration for imaginative subject matter. </p>\r\n
<p><strong>About the Instructor:</strong></p>\r\n
<p>James Beihl is a Commercial Science Fiction / Fantasy Artist and Art Educator based in Burlington, Vermont. In addition to producing Science Fiction and Fantasy book covers, James also produces Holiday Art, Cards, and is an accomplished Pumpkin Sculptor. James graduated from Pratt Institute in 2011 and worked as a graphic designer for Limited Brands before transitioning into Comic Book work. From 2013-2017 James worked exclusively in Comics. In 2015 through 2017, James worked for the Glasshouse Graphics Talent Agency doing comics work and getting pitches greenlit for companies like Markosia Comics. From 2017 to the present James has been doing Pumpkin Sculpting for Rise of the Jack-o-lanterns out of their studio in Westchester NY every fall season as well as having produced various sci-fi, and fantasy artworks. James currently teaches art classes both virtually and in-person with various institutions including Burlington City Arts, and the Atelier At Flowerfield. James’ clients include Make-A-Wish, The Rise of the Jack-o-lanterns, and Marquette Books.</p>\r\n
<p>James has a YouTube channel, GenreArtWithJb, where he discusses artistic best practices, sci-fi/fantasy art and the franchises and stories that inspire him to come up with his images. Feel free to follow James on Instagram @Jimmybeihlart for real time updates on his latest projects and work. You can also find James on ArtStation and Hireillo.<br />\r\n
<br />\r\n
Registration is required and can be done <a href="">here. </a></p>\r\n
<p>To be on our waitlist, please register <a href="">here. </a></p>\r\n
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