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<p>A talk and discussion by Mary Fillmore, author of An Address in Amsterdam, an historical novel about a young Jewish woman who joins the resistance. The award-winning book has been widely recognized as a compelling story which shows how quickly a civilized society can deteriorate — and how possible it is for ordinary people, especially women, to take action against injustice. “Must-read” historical fiction, say Redbook, BuzzFeed, PopSugar, and Bookstr.</p>\r\n
<p>The WWII Dutch Resistance as an example. What did it or did not accomplish and what challenges should we consider today as we decide to collude, collaborate and resist what we feel to be wrong.</p>\r\n
<p>After a lifetime working as a consultant with government agencies and nonprofit organizations, Mary Dingee Fillmore spent 13 years researching and writing an award-winning historical novel, An Address in Amsterdam, about a young Jewish woman who joins the resistance.</p>\r\n
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