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<p>Meta Strick, mixed media artist; India Tresselt, fiber artist; and Sarah Rosedahl, painter, illustrator and cartoonist, present their Resistance Art, art created in response to the 2016 U.S. Presidential election.</p>\r\n
<p>Meta Strick is a mixed media artist who makes one-of-a-kind Art Dolls, ornaments, paintings, and other decorative objects. Her work often tells a story, presents a feminist message, or offers hopeful inspiration. Her website is <a href="" style="color:#660099; text-decoration:underline"></a> Meta has taught studio art and art history classes at Community College of Vermont for over thirty years. In addition to participating in art fairs, she regularly offers workshops at her studio.</p>\r\n
<p>As a response to the 2016 U.S. Presidential election, on Inauguration Day, January 20, 2017, India Tresselt began a small practice of daily resistance: every day, India stitches the words THIS IS NOT NORMAL. This practice has taken several forms, including small themed pieces, large Cloths of Resistance, and the first in a series of Flags of Resistance. “The point of this resistance practice is not to suggest that there is some magical normal from which we have deviated and to which we should return, but rather to remind myself every day that we must not allow the current situation to become accepted as normal.”</p>\r\n
<p>India is a fiber artist from the Champlain Valley, in Northwestern Vermont. Knitting, temari and embroidery are her passions. Her website is</p>\r\n
<p>In response to the 2016 U.S. Presidential election, Sarah Rosedahl started creating editorial cartoons, often using chickens to communicate a message. After creating dozens of cartoons, Sarah published the collection as a book entitled “What the Cluck”.</p>\r\n
<p>Sarah Rosedahl is an artist and recovering software engineer. After working in the high tech industry for 30 years in California and New Orleans, Sarah now lives in Vermont where she is inspired by the wildlife and agriculture of the Lake Champlain Islands. Sarah works in watercolor, acrylic and mixed media and especially enjoys painting birds, both wild and domestic. Her website is</p>\r\n
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