Name Pronouns Email Phone number Street Address Mailing Address (if different) City Market Member Worker Number (if you are a registered Member Worker with City Market, you can earn credit for volunteering at FFL! Please leave this field blank if you are not a member worker.) I affirm that I am 18 years old or older Yes No Date of Birth Emergency Contact Name Relationship Emergency Contact Phone Number Which library are you interested in volunteering at? Downtown Library New North End Library Which department would you like to work in? Circulation/Adult Outreach/ELOP Friends of Fletcher Free Library Programming/Special Events Teen/Tween Youth Area Other Which days/times are you interested in volunteering? If other, please specify here Education Background Current Occupation Hobbies, interests, skills Volunteer Experience Do you have any medical condition that should be considered in assigning you work? Yes No Reference #1 Name Reference #1 Phone Number Relationship Employer Family Friend How did you hear about volunteering at the Library? CAPTCHA This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. Leave this field blank