Vermont Bench & Bar Listening Tour – Chittenden County
Opportunity for the public to give their views about the VT state courts and legal system, and to learn of loclegal services.
Staff setup: 70 chairs, set up in rows, 2 tables, no AV.
The Community, Fletcher and Pickering Rooms are available for Public Reservation by request.
Opportunity for the public to give their views about the VT state courts and legal system, and to learn of loclegal services.
Staff setup: 70 chairs, set up in rows, 2 tables, no AV.
A fun-filled storytime with Megan! Ages 2-5 years. No preregistration needed.
Staff set-up: Remove all chairs and tables from room; leave one chair in corner for Megan.
Staff setup: 50 chairs, 12 tables, AV, early arrival
Staff setup: 50 chairs, 12 tables, AV, early arrival
Young yogis explore yoga poses, breathing exercises and relaxation techniques with yoga instructor Melissa Nutting from Evolution Prenatal & Family Yoga Center. Free. Ages 2-5 years.
Young yogis explore yoga poses, breathing exercises and relaxation techniques with yoga instructor Melissa Nutting from Evolution Prenatal & Family Yoga Center. Free. Ages 2-5 years.
Young yogis explore yoga poses, breathing exercises and relaxation techniques with yoga instructor Melissa Nutting from Evolution Prenatal & Family Yoga Center. Free. Ages 2-5 years.
Staff Set Up: 4 Tables, 20 chairs