The Main Library & NNE Branch will be closed on Wednesday, January 1 for New Year's Day. 

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        <p>Fletcher Free Library&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>\r\n
        <p>Digital Provide Project&nbsp;</p>\r\n
        <p>Laptop and Hotspot Kit Borrowing Agreement&nbsp;</p>\r\n
        <p>Patron’s Last Name _____________ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Date&nbsp;_________________________ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; checked photo ID?&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Yes&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; No&nbsp;</p>\r\n
        <p>In checking out&nbsp;a Laptop and Hotspot Kit from the Fletcher Free Library&nbsp;you are assuming&nbsp;full responsibility&nbsp;for any&nbsp;damage, loss or theft&nbsp;of the&nbsp;kit&nbsp;or any of its parts while it is checked out to you. Borrowers must be 18 years of age or older and a library member in good standing&nbsp;and must show photo ID of some kind to check out the kit.&nbsp;</p>\r\n
        <p>1.&nbsp;A Laptop and Hotspot Kit&nbsp;is checked out for 7 days on a first-come, first-served basis. A signed borrowing agreement will be required each time&nbsp;a kit&nbsp;is checked out.&nbsp;</p>\r\n
        <p>2. If the&nbsp;Laptop, Hotspot&nbsp;or&nbsp;any&nbsp;accessories are lost, stolen, or damaged the borrower will be responsible for the replacement cost of the&nbsp;Laptop (up to $700) and the Hotspot (up to $75)&nbsp;or the accessories (each up to $20).&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>\r\n
        <p>Please use the following checklist to ensure that all the accessories are taken and returned with the&nbsp;kit:&nbsp;</p>\r\n
        <p>______Dell Laptop&nbsp;Inspiron 15 3000 Laptop&nbsp;</p>\r\n
        <p>______Alcatel Hotspot Charger&nbsp;</p>\r\n
        <p>______Instruction Booklet&nbsp;</p>\r\n
        <p>______Computer Case with cross-strap&nbsp;</p>\r\n
        <p>3. I agree to&nbsp;</p>\r\n
        <p>____take&nbsp;care of the Laptop and Hotspot kit&nbsp;and safeguard it from unauthorized use&nbsp;</p>\r\n
        <p>____be responsible for damage or loss to the Laptop and Hotspot kit&nbsp;components or software&nbsp;while checked out to me&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>\r\n
        <p>____return the Laptop and Hotspot kit to the Library during open hours on or before its due date*&nbsp;</p>\r\n
        <p>*Please be advised that Laptops in this program are maintained using security software that allows&nbsp;the laptop to be disabled virtually if kept past its due date. If kept past its due date, you may see a message on the Laptop notifying you that it will soon be disabled or has been disabled.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>\r\n
        <p>I have read and accept the terms of this agreement.&nbsp;</p>\r\n
        <p>Date due:________________ Late fee of $5.00 per day;&nbsp;full replacement charged at 7 days overdue&nbsp;</p>\r\n
        <p>Signature:_____________________________ Date :___________ Staff initials:_______&nbsp;</p>\r\n
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