The Main Library & NNE Branch will be closed on Monday, February 17 for Presidents' Day & February 27 for Staff Training. 

What are you researching?

Our Local History Collection is fully cataloged and searchable.

Genealogy Resources in the Library

Burlington's earliest records of marriages, births and deaths - We have a copy of the records of marriages, births, and deaths, 1789-1833; and marriages May 1830-1863.  

Census records - United States and international census records are searchable through Ancestry, accessible in the Tech Center.

City directories - We have annual city directories for Burlington dating back to 1865. Great for researching who lived in your house in the past, or tracing ancestors’ residences around Burlington.  City directories are in the Reference Collection.

Obituaries - Obituaries are great resources for learning about your ancestors’ families, or for remembering your own.  We can help you find obituaries published in the Burlington Free Press.

Burial permits - Can’t find an obituary for a relative? We have permits for burials in city-owned cemeteries that may help you locate graves, or confirm death dates.

Resources for Discovering your House's History

Maps - We have map several maps of Burlington from the 1800s, most notably 1853, 1869, 1893.  Together, they show growth in Burlington, and may even show your house.

City directories - City directories can tell you who lived in your house from year to year, and may even include information about the residents’ professions.  City directories started in 1865, and are available in the Reference Collection.

VT Historic Sites and Structures Register - In the late 1970s, the State of Vermont did a survey of buildings around the center of Burlington.  They recorded architectural styles, construction materials, and histories when known.  The originals are kept by the State, but we have a copy kept in the Local History Room. Please ask staff for access.

Sanborn Insurance maps - The Sanborn Insurance Company is legendary for their detailed maps.  These large scale maps recorded information about each structure, including the footprint and construction materials.  We have an original 1919 Sanborn map in the Local History collection, or you can visit UVM’s Center for Digital Initiative online and view their Fire Insurance Maps of Vermont collection.