Fletcher Free Library
Digital Provide Project
Laptop and Hotspot Kit Borrowing Agreement
Patron’s Last Name _____________ Date _________________________ checked photo ID? Yes No
In checking out a Laptop and Hotspot Kit from the Fletcher Free Library you are assuming full responsibility for any damage, loss or theft of the kit or any of its parts while it is checked out to you. Borrowers must be 18 years of age or older and a library member in good standing and must show photo ID of some kind to check out the kit.
1. A Laptop and Hotspot Kit is checked out for 7 days on a first-come, first-served basis. A signed borrowing agreement will be required each time a kit is checked out.
2. If the Laptop, Hotspot or any accessories are lost, stolen, or damaged the borrower will be responsible for the replacement cost of the Laptop (up to $700) and the Hotspot (up to $75) or the accessories (each up to $20).
Please use the following checklist to ensure that all the accessories are taken and returned with the kit:
______Dell Laptop Inspiron 15 3000 Laptop
______Alcatel Linkzone WiFi Hotspot
______Dell Laptop Charger
______Alcatel Hotspot Charger
______Instruction Booklet
______Computer Case with cross-strap
3. I agree to
____take care of the Laptop and Hotspot kit and safeguard it from unauthorized use
____be responsible for damage or loss to the Laptop and Hotspot kit components or software while checked out to me
____return the Laptop and Hotspot kit to the Library during open hours on or before its due date*
*Please be advised that Laptops in this program are maintained using security software that allows the laptop to be disabled virtually if kept past its due date. If kept past its due date, you may see a message on the Laptop notifying you that it will soon be disabled or has been disabled.
I have read and accept the terms of this agreement.
Date due:________________ Late fee of $5.00 per day; full replacement charged at 7 days overdue
Signature:_____________________________ Date :___________ Staff initials:_______